Glass Curtain Wall
Glass Curtain Wall

We call GLASS-DRESSING FACADE SYSTEMS to cover the steel or aluminum façade suspended by attaching to the floor or columns, instead of structural systems such as reinforced concrete and bricks on the exterior of the buildings.
In this system, glass units can be connected to carrier systems by different techniques; glass unit can be applied by gaining different features according to these connection systems.
The most commonly used systems are the insulating glass unit spacer made of material we call U-lath instead of the classic aluminum spacer, or the bonding of insulating glass units to aluminum joinery, which we call directly Cassette (bonding process).
As cassette systems are in the form of opening sashes or fixed sashes, we witness the application of semi-printed or full-printed parapets throughout the glass facade.
There are also insulating glass units that are produced to be mounted with stainless steel holders called spider system. They give the façade a very elegant look.
As KRIS GLASS, we apply all these different systems to the glass unit.
Isıcam Brand Warranty
However, some of these systems comply with ISICAM brand conditions. In this way, the appropriate ones are offered to the market with ISICAM BRAND and ISICAM WARRANTY CERTIFICATE is issued. On the other hand U-lath, spider system etc. insulating glass units are offered to the market under the brand of KRIS GLASS DECORATION and are GUARANTEED under the name of KRIS GLASS DECORATION.
In all cases, all insulation glass units are manufactured with CE marked materials. Production and inspection, measurement and test procedures in accordance with TS 3539 EN 1279 GLASS BASED INSULATION UNITS standard are applied.
NOTE: Dear Customers, We recommend the use of SILICONE because of the low UV resistance of THIOKOL or POLYURETHANE as filling material in facade applications and systems such as insulating glass balconies, winter gardens or sliding systems.